Attention! Read ALL the rules very carefully. Violation of any point of the rules described below may result in your being denied access to the game or your account being blocked and you being excluded during the game. In addition, here is important information that will make your registration easier.

Part 1. Principles of in-game rules.

1.1 In-game rules are mandatory for all players.

1.2 The administration, if necessary, has the right to violate the in-game rules.

1.3 Ignorance of the in-game rules does not exempt from liability for their violation.

1.4 Unfounded condemnation of the in-game rules is unacceptable, with the exception of constructive comments.

Part 2. Effect of in-game rules.

2.1 Character registration means automatic agreement with the in-game rules.

2.2 Liability for violating the in-game rules is not subject to dispute.

2.3 In case of multiple violations or a player's unfavorable reputation, the administration has the right to completely block his access without the possibility of rehabilitation.

2.4 The decision of the administration is above the current rules.

Part 3. The concept of violation and types of violations.

3.1 Violation - an action or inaction that contradicts the in-game rules and is committed by a player.

3.2 General violation - a violation of the in-game rules committed unconsciously, due to inexperience or carelessness.

3.3 Special violation - a violation of the in-game rules committed consciously or repeatedly unknowingly.

3.4 The type of violation is determined by the administration and is not subject to challenge.

Part 4. Punishments.

4.1 The punishment for a general violation is a warning.

4.2 Starting with the third violation, the player will be blocked from accessing the game. The blocking period for a general violation in this case is no more than one day.

4.3 The blocking period for a special violation for the first violation is one day. In case of a repeated violation, the player will be blocked for life.

4.4 However, each case is individual and in different situations the administration has the right to choose the measure of punishment at its own discretion.

Part 5. Non-RP.

5.1 The use of OOC information in IC is prohibited.

5.2 Serious violations of grammar, the use of modern speech patterns, slang or other forms of written speech that do not correspond to the current in-game era are prohibited.

5.3 Powergaming (false behavior of a character, consisting in exceeding his psycho-physical capabilities) is prohibited.

5.4 Descriptions of events affecting all players are prohibited.

5.5 Messages that are not game posts are prohibited. (Exception - OOC)

Part 6. Basics of the RP mode.

6.1 Killing a character without the player's consent is prohibited. Only non-lethal wounds are allowed.

6.2 Explicit descriptions of bed scenes are prohibited (NC-21).

6.3 Actions that clearly violate the in-game atmosphere or disrupt the game plot set by the administration are prohibited.

6.4 The minimum size of a player's post is expressed not in physical quantities, but in the construction of sentences and the detail of the description. Thus, player posts can only be considered unacceptable by a decision of the administration.

Part 7. Notes.

7.1 Section 6.1 excludes murders that contradict section 6.3.

7.2 Section 6.2 allows descriptions of bed scenes exclusively using literary descriptions, excluding any explicit words and expressions (except for IC dialogues, if the situation requires it).

7.3 The player is obliged to observe the RP mode in any case, ignoring violators.

7.4 The player is obliged to report violations of the RP mode.

Part 8. Design.

8.1 The registration form must not contradict paragraphs 5.2 and 6.3.

8.2 In the line, you must enter the name of the CHARACTER, and not your name or any other name/nickname.

8.3 Each player must have an avatar.

8.4 It is allowed to have only one character per account. To play with several characters, register for each of them.

8.5 Each character must have a written biography.

8.6 Registration of the captain and senior officers, as well as some other characters does not occur in this registration form. You must write your application to email, describing why you should become this character. The administration will review all applications and select a suitable person, informing you about it.

Rules for registering a character in Britannic Voyage:

1. Your character corresponds to the era that is presented in the game.

This point means that your character cannot be a person who suddenly went to work for Britannic. Your character cannot be someone from the future (someone who has not yet been born) or from the past (someone who has already died) relative to the game date. In this case, we are talking about real historical characters

2. Your character is not: a troll, show-off (intentionally creating a ridiculous profile to attract the attention of other players) and is not provocative.

Hitlers, Mussolinis, Stalins and other personalities of this kind WILL NOT be allowed to play.

3. Your character is not: a vehicle or other inanimate object. The game is played for people, not cars, planes and pedestals.

4. Your character is not a copy of any other character.

All characters that are clones or copies of other characters will be removed from the game. If you have difficulties with registration due to which you accidentally created several absolutely identical accounts at once, then we ask you to notify the administration about this via our e-mail:

5. Your character does not possess: magic, supernatural powers and technologies from the future. The world in the game is the most real, so everything happens only within the framework of reality.

6. Your character consciously got on board the ship.

7. Your character is not an anime/furry character.

It is strictly recommended not to use anime appearance in registration. However, this rule only applies to the character's appearance. The name and character of the character can be absolutely anything, provided that his appearance and character do not violate the registration rules/main rules of the game.

8. Flood characters will be deleted. Flood characters are characters created during the next wave of popularity.

These characters include all sorts of Crabs, Crazy Madmen, Titanics, Icebergs, and so on.

The administration has the right to violate these rules if the character arouses certain suspicions. Compliance with this list of rules guarantees you a successful registration in the Britannic Voyage!